The aim of the ETCEI 2022 Conference is to highlight the synergies and results of the cooperation of academic and research institutions and their researchers with entrepreneur entities in cutting-edge technology fields. Key emphasis will be placed on the presentation of mature research results and developments from the Greek ecosystem of emerging technologies.
The conference will include a program of speeches, presentation of results in the form of posters and discussion panels. The best papers, technologies and industrial doctorates will be awarded by the Organizing Committee of the conference. In parallel, a career day will be organized for the students of the University in order to facilitate the connection and the transition to the labor market.
The deadline for papers submission is September 30th, 2022.
The working language is English. Papers can be in the form of either a Full Paper of up to 6 pages or a Technical Report of up to 2 pages. The papers submitted will be reviewed by an international scientific committee and the selected papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
SUBMISSION WEBSITE: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=etcei2022
Conference Themes and Topics
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Architectures, Frameworks, Techniques and Protocols for Intelligent Edge/Fog Processing
- Edge Solutions Towards 5G Integration
- Smart Applications of Edge/Fog Computing: Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Digital Twins, Smart Mobility etc.
- Sensor Technologies
- Edge AI And Machine Learning at The Edge
- Novel Applications and Case Studies with Edge and Fog Computing for IoT
- Hardware Design and Prototyping for Edge Intelligence and Computing
- IoT And Edge-Oriented Software Development Processes and Quality Metrics
- Simulation And Analysis Techniques for Edge Intelligence
- Energy Optimization for Edge Devices
- Energy Digitalization /Optimization
- New Technologies & Environmental Protection
- Deployment, Management and Maintenance of Edge Intelligent Systems
- Cyber Security, Data Privacy, and Integrity in Edge Systems
- Trusted And Verifiable Services for Intelligent Systems at The Edge
Program Committee

Presentation of mature research results and developments
from the Greek ecosystem of emerging technologies.
Highlight the synergies of academic and research institutions with entrepreneur entities in cutting-edge technology fields.