C a r e e r D a y : 27 October 2022 | 09:00-12:50 | Main HALL (I4)
Interact with stakeholders from the Greek ecosystem of emerging technologies
Taking place on the 2nd day of the ETCEI-2022 Conference, the Career Day event is an excellent opportunity for aspiring engineers to learn about the activities, culture and open positions with leading technology companies in Greece. In this framework, student participants are encouraged to upload their CVs to two related platforms provided by the University of Patras and by HETiA. For increased visibility, we strongly advise uploading your CV to both platforms via the following links:

The country’s brain-drain in the previous decade and the rapid technological advancements have created a skill and talent gap between the industry needs and the universities’ graduate programs. Since the conference brings together industry and academia to present their own or collaborative research results, it is an excellent opportunity for the industrial participants to present their activities, cultural environment and open positions as well as discuss about current human resources challenges. Additionally, the Department of Employment, Career & Liaison and the Department of Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship (University of Patras) will present their actions via a systematic effort that attempts the interconnection of the academic and business environment.
The Career Day will take place in the Main HALL (I4) and will be livestreamed on YouTube:
You may watch live all the Conference sessions via the Zoom links in the Programme.
Career Day Programme | Thursday 27.10.2021
09:00 – 10:30 |
PARALLEL SESSIONS: Main HALL (I4) | Career Day – UoPatras (S1.5) Room I11 | Paper Presentations (S2.5) |
10:30 – 10:40 |
Coffee Break |
10:40 – 12:50 |
PARALLEL SESSIONS: Main HALL (I4) | Career Day – UoPatras (S1.6) Participant companies:
Room I11 | Paper Presentations (S2.6) |
Participant Companies
C a r e e r D a y @ E d g e I n t e l l i g e n c e – 2 0 2 2 | 2 7 O c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 | P a t r a s , G r e e c e